Training videos with practical Wing Chun exercises

We present you a compilation of Wing Chun videos from our school with exercises and explanations of the forms, techniques, concepts, training and chi sao.

We hope that this content is useful for your training or rather your learning of Wing Chun, all this teaching material is aimed at all levels, regardless of your experience or ability.

Periodically we will add more videos with more exercises and explanations, use the table of contents to navigate to the section you want.

The Wing Chun style forms are traditionally made up of three empty hand forms and two weapon forms. Unlike other Chinese martial arts, Wing Chun forms are not usually attractive or acrobatic, since it is mainly a style adapted to close-range combat.

Here you will find information about Siu Nim Tao, Cham Kiu and Biu Jee. As we have more material, we will update the content of this page.

Siu Nim Tao (the little idea)

The Siu Nim Tao form is the first one that all Wing Chun students usually start with. In this transition of movements, practitioners begin to learn the main concepts of Wing Chun (central line, lat sao ip chun...), in addition to its most important techniques.

Siu Nim Tao is a completely static form and much of the work focuses on working on the horse’s position, breathing and concentration. This version that you will see below in the video is the Wong Shun Leung style and consists of 3 sections.

Wing Chun exercises basic training

The exercises you will find below are a small sample of what we train in class. The training method is mainly based on conditioning exercises that involve the use of the horse, fist sequences, explosive movements, learning concepts and etc.

Step exercises and forward and backward fist sequences

Chained Fists Exercises

Tan Sao Exercises

Chi sao techniques and concepts

Chi Sao is one of the essential components of Wing Chun, regardless of the style or family, Chi Sao is the most realistic approach to real combat and its different applications.

These exercises that you will find below aim to correct some of the most frequent errors, in addition to providing tools to improve the technical and theoretical aspect of the practitioner.

One-Handed Chi Sao (Dan Chi Sao)

Centerline errors in chi sao

Luk Sao (Rolling hands/arms)

Pak Sao Combination

Kwan Sao combination (Slow motion)

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Does Wing Chun work as self-defense?

efectividad del wing chun como defensa personal

In this article we will explore in depth the relationship between Wing Chun and self-defense, analyzing its philosophy and concepts.